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2024 Industrial LINCage Capstone Design Festival for Global Leaders additional attendee recruitment

관리자 │ 2024-06-25

2024 Industrial LINCage Festival for Global Leaders Attendees Application (한글 or English select one).hwp



1. 추진목적

- 전략적 청년 참여 기회를 제공하는 청년 친화적 도시, 글로벌 경제 허브이자 성장과 혁신의 중심지로서 다국적 인재 유치 도모


2. 운영개요

1) 모집기간 : 2024. 6. 10.() ~ 2024. 7. 3.()

2) 접수방법 : 담당자 이메일로 참가자 지원신청서 약식 작성 후 제출(stevek@cau.ac.kr)

* 2024 Industrial LINCage Festival for Global Leaders 참가자 지원신청서 양식 파일 참조

* 첨부파일명 참가자_학번 이름으로 작성하여 제출

3) 일정 : (오리엔테이션) 2024. 8. 4.()

(공식행사) 2024. 8. 5.() ~ 2024. 8. 13.()

(관광) 2024. 8. 14() 선택일정

4) 지원자격 :

. 본교 LINC3.0 참여학과 소속 대학() 재학생

. 영어 회화 가능자 우대 (, 참여 의지에 따라 영어 회화 초급자 신청 가능)

. 행사 전 일정 참여 가능자(*수도권 11개 대학 내·외국인 학생 160,

해외 참가 학생 60명의 대규모 행사이므로 원활한 행사 진행을 위하여

참가자로 선정된 이후 취소 불가능)

5) 제출 서류

- 2024 Industrial LINCage Festival for Global Leaders 참가자 지원신청서 1

- 재학증명서 1(2024. 5. 이후 발급분)




참가자 모집



신청서 제출

(Rainbow 시스템 접수)

결과 통보





*상기 운영사항 및 일정 등은 접수 현황 및 학사일정&사업단 일정에 따라 변경될 수 있습니다.


3. 유의사항

- 참가비 없음 (무료)

- 모든 일정 영어로 진행

- 휴학생 지원 불가

- 프로그램 중도 포기 시 소요경비 등 관련 지원금액 전액 청구

- 행사 기간 중 지정된 숙소 숙박


4. 문의처

LINC3.0사업운영팀 / 02-820-6847 / stevek@cau.ac.kr 


5. LINC3.0 참여학사조직









LINC3.0참여학과 -대학원











1. Purpose

- To promote the recruitment of multinational talents as a youth-friendly city

offering strategic participation opportunities for youth, and as a global

economic hub and center of growth and innovation.


2. Overview

1) Application Period : 2024. 6. 10.(Mon) ~ 2024. 7. 3.(Wed)

2) How to apply : send written application by mail (stevek@cau.ac.kr)

* Refer to 2024 Industrial LINCage Festival for Global Leaders Attendees Application form

* Name the attachment file as ‘Attendees_Student ID_Name’

* First come, first served basis

3) Schedule : (Orientation) 2024. 8. 4.(Sun)
(Official Event) 2024. 8. 5.(Mon) ~ 2024. 8. 13.(Tue)

(Tour) 2024. 8. 14(Wed) Optional

4) Eligibility

A. Current undergraduate or graduate students of LINC3.0 participating departments

B. Preference will be given to those proficient in English conversation

(However, beginners in English conversation can also apply based on willingness to participate)

C. Must be able to participate in all scheduled events (*Due to the large

scale of the festival (160 students from 11 universities from Seoul

metropolitan area and 60 students from overseas), it cannot be canceled

after being selected as a attendee, to facilitate the event’s smooth progress)

5) Required Documents

- 2024 Industrial LINCage Festival for Global Leaders Attendees Application

- Certificate of Enrollment (issued after May 2024)

6) Application Schedule




Notification of results

Submission of application

(Submit through Rainbow System)

Notification of results





* The above application matters and schedules are subject to change according to the

application status, academic schedule, and project schedule.


3. Notes

- Participation Fee: Free

- All official schedules are progressed in English

- Students who are on a leave of absence are unable to apply

- If you withdraw from the program, the full amount of expense will be charged

- Must stay in the designated hotel for the duration of the festival


4. Inquiry

LINC3.0 operation team / 02)820-6847 / stevek@cau.ac.kr

5. LINC3.0 Participatory Department


LINC3.0 participatory department-Undergraduate

College of Humanities Department of English Language & Luterature,

School of European Languages and Cultures College of Social Sciences Department of Social Welfare

,School of Media & Communication College of Education Department of Education,

Department of Early Childhood Education College of Business & Economics School of Business Administration

,School of Economics,Department of Applied Statistics,Department of Advertising and Public Relations

,Department of International Logistics,Department of Industrial Security College of Engineering

School of Social Infrastructure System,School of Architecture and Building Science,

School of Chemical Engineering and Material Science,School of Mechanical Engineering,

School of Energy System Engineering College of ICT Engineering School of Integrative Engineering,

School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering College of Software School of Computer Engineering

College of Natural Sciences Department of Physics,Department of Chemistry,School of Biological Sciences

College of Biotechnology & Natural ResourceSchool of Bioresource and Bioscience,

School of Food Science and Technology,Department of System Biotechnology

College of Pharmacy School of Pharmacy Red Cross College of Nursing Department of Nursing

The College of Sport Sciences School of Sports Sciences

College of Arts School of Performing Arts and Media,School of Design,School of Korean music

College of Art & Technology School of Art & Technology

LINC3.0 participatory department-Graduate

General Course Department of European Languages and Cultures,English Language and Literature,

Department of Media & Communication,Department of Social Welfare,Department of Education,

Early Childhood Education,Business Administration/Department of Art Management,Economics,

Department of Statistics,Advertising and Public Relations,International Trade and Logistics,

Convergence Security,Civil Engineering,Department of Smart Cities,Department of Architecture,

Chemical Engineering and Materials Scinece,Mechanical Engineering,Department of Energy System Engineering

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,Department of Integrative Engineering,

Department of Intelligent Energy and Industry,Computer science and Engineering,Department of Chemistry,

Department of Life Science,Department of Physics,Animal Science and Technology,

Plant Science and Technology,Food Science and Technology,Food and Nutrition,

Department of Systems Biotechnology,Department of Pharmacy,Department of Nursing,

Department of Global Innovative Drugs,Department of Convergence Technology of Sport,

Department of Performing Arts,Department of Design,Department of Korean Music

Graduate School of Advanced Imaging Sciences, Multimedia and Film Department of Imaging

이전글 [홍보] 2024 서초청년창업대학 참가자 모집
다음글 [LINC 3.0] 2024 애로기술 컨설팅 지원 사업 안내